Friday 19 August 2011

Windows Vista Slow Internet

Windows Vista is a fairly popular operating system but there are all sorts of problems that people can experience. One of the most irritating problems is with Windows vista slow internet connections. If your internet is slow then it can be very difficult to use your computer to do anything. We all rely on the internet to do everything. That means that if you don’t have a reliable internet connection your work will grind to a halt.


First it’s a good idea to take a look at the method the internet is distributed around your network. Most people have a router which is then connected to their network. This shares the internet out to all protected computers. Most of these routers are wireless which means they can connect to many computers without the need for cables.


One common reason that the internet is slow on windows vista is because other people are downloading large files on your network. Although this isn’t always the case it’s worth checking out before doing anything else. This will make it possible that your internet is slower. If it’s only slow occasionally then this is likely to be the cause.

Internet Connection

If your internet is slow at certain times of the day then it could also be because of your internet connection itself. Between 6 and 11PM are normally the busiest times on the internet. If the speed drops during these times then consider choosing a different Internet service provider (ISP).


There are many viruses which can also infect Windows Vista computers. These viruses can cause all sorts of problems, including internet speed issues. If your internet is much slower than it normally is then you should consider running a virus scan of your computer. If you don’t already have a virus scanner then you will be able to find some on the internet. Some of these are also available for free.
You might need to repeat the virus scan several times before all the infected files are removed. It might also be necessary to load it in safe mode to ensure that the infection is under control. Then check that the computers internet is quicker.


Spyware is another serious problem which can affect the speed of your internet connection. Spyware and adware sit on your computer collecting information and displaying ads that you don’t want to see. Spyware affects a large number of computers. To remove the threat you should use a spyware scanner. This automated software will search for the files and remove them.
Check out the best anti spywares for windows vista.

Repairing Runtime Error 9 Issues

Runtime errors are very often experienced by people trying to use various applications. If you ever experience runtime error 9 then this could be a result of a bug in an application, or possibly missing files on your computer.
Correcting Runtime Error 9 Messages
If you ever experience a runtime error 9 messages then it can be very difficult and troubling to get to the bottom of it. You should take a look at the problem and try and find out what is causing the problem in the first place. If you can discover the root of the problem then it will be possible to correct the problem much easier.
Running Windows Update
You should enable the automatic update setting in Microsoft windows as this will keep your operating system fully up to date. It will not only protect you from runtime error 9 but it will also protect you from various vulnerabilities. Update the drivers so that hardware works much quicker.
Runtime error 9 can also be caused because of malware on your computer. If there are any spyware or virus infections on your computer then these can lead to runtime error 9 messages. You should use an antivirus application to look for these threats and get rid of them.
Registry Problems
If the windows registry becomes corrupted or gets damaged in any way then this can also cause a number of problems. You should be using a registry scanner on a regular basis to speed up your computer and to keep it free from errors.
Hardware problems
Another potential reason for these problems is due to problems with your hardware. If none of the other techniques have solved the problem then you may need to try inspecting your current hardware configuration.

Fixing the Runtime Error 53

Runtime errors are very common on windows based computers, these all mean that there is a problem loading some or all of the components needed to launch certain applications. A very common type of runtime error is known as runtime error 53 and this can affect users running XP or Vista.
Causes of Runtime Error 53
There are many different reasons that a computer can suffer from runtime error 53, these will often display an error message stating that a certain file cannot be found. The file that’s missing is actually an important DLL or OCX file on your computer.
If one of these files is missing then it can generate the runtime error 53 messages. If you have recently changed the hardware or software on your computer then this may be causing the problems.
Solving Runtime Error 53 Messages
There are many different steps that you can take to fix runtime error 53 messages. You first need to check that any changes you have recently made to your computer are not creating the problem. If you only experience the error when using certain pieces of software then it might be a good idea to try uninstalling and reinstalling these to see if that cures the problem.
You might get patches for the software from the developer’s website. The developer’s website may also have a forum with stories from people who are having similar problems.
Fixing run time error 53 problems can be time consuming but it’s a very useful investment of your time.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

What Is a Smartphone?

A Smartphone combines the functions of a cellular phone and a handheld computer in a single device. It differs from a normal phone in that it has an operating system and local storage, so users can add and store information, send and receive email, and install programs to the phone as they could with a PDA. A smartphone gives users the best of both worlds--it has much the same capabilities as a handheld computer and the communications ability of a mobile phone.

What Is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a low-power-consumption and short-range wireless technology for personal area networks (PANs). It connects your personal electronic devices, such as laptops, mobile phones, digital cameras, audio equipments, and printers, without the clutter of cables. The Swedish telecom giant Ericsson originally developed Bluetooth. The name is inspired by King Harold Bluetooth, known for his unification of previously warring tribes from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Likewise, the Bluetooth technology was intended to unify and connect different personal electronic devices.

What Is DSL?

The full form of DSL is known as the digital subscriber line, which consists of various different technologies that provide an internet connection to a computer network using the DSL.

The digital subscriber line , or most commonly known as the DSL, involves the use of the pair of copper phone lines using the wiring networks, these also comprise of a main switch which has special hardware to relay the internet signals to the other end of the user. A continuous digital connection network can be achieved using this technology.

The DSL technology is purely based on digital composition and thus there is no use of the digital to analog conversion for the internet transmission as required in the previous modems of the traditional times. The DSL system does not use the frequency spectrum of the audio in the phone, because it requires the frequency above that which means that the telephone can be used while the internet connection is still on.

What is Internet

The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol.

Internet is such a huge network of several different interlinked networks relating to the business, government, academic, and even smaller domestic networks, therefore internet is known as the network of all the other networks. These networks enable the internet to be used for various important functions which include the several means of communications like the file transfer, the online chat and even the sharing of the documents and web sites on the WWW, or the World Wide Web.